Some great quotes on Nokia-Microsoft

Communities Dominate Brands: First Analysis of Nokia-Microsoft Alliance - Wow this is good for Microsoft:   (blog by Tomi T Ahonen, former Nokia executive)

How well did Microsoft's partnership with HTC go? HTC is the company that manufactured more than half of all smartphones on the Windows Mobile OS with more than a dozen other handset makers doing far less than half. HTC was so disgusted by Microsoft by the end, that they announced loudly they were switching to Android the moment that became available - to the point, HTC said they would not even use the next (which turned out to be last) version of Windows Mobile. Thats Microsoft partership for you.

Motorola, another early Windows Mobile client, was so fed up with Microsoft's games, they said no Phone 7 smartphones ever! Moto said they only do Android.

 "If you thought that Nokia's 'execution' was a problem before - just watch it do delays like a pro this year - like someone... who should I think of, someone who really knows how to deliver software on time? hmmm.. MICROSOFT!

"Nokia was always known as a poorly paying employer who treated its staff exceptionally well. So they relied on employee loyalty. This stabs them in the back so hard, Nokia cannot be trusted to stay loyal even to its own products and promises. To go and buy in Microsoft. As Nokia staff exodus starts with the best minds

- Sent using Google Toolbar"


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